African Wild Dog - Kruger National Park, South Africa - stock photo

Also known as African painted dogs, these canines are among the most effective predators in the world, with a successful hunt rate of about 80%. This is because of their pack coordination and teamwork. They also have a complex social structure and are one of the only wild species to care for its sick and old. They are also one of the world’s most endangered mammals because of habitat loss, disease and conflicts with farmers protecting their livestock.
Also known as African painted dogs, these canines are among the most effective predators in the world, with a successful hunt rate of about 80%. This is because of their pack coordination and teamwork. They also have a complex social structure and are one of the only wild species to care for its sick and old. They are also one of the world’s most endangered mammals because of habitat loss, disease and conflicts with farmers protecting their livestock.
African Wild Dog - Kruger National Park, South Africa
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